Despite underperforming the Nifty by 9% in the calendar year 2023, Jefferies sees significant potential in the stock. Jefferies maintained...
Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd (CDEL), which is paring its debts through asset resolution, in a regulatory update said “the delay...
The acquisition will enrich Astra’s pipeline with a so-called CAR-T therapy that modifies a patient’s own immune cells to fight...
Shannon Coggins, Theo Simon and their 19-year-old daughter Rosa have reached Indonesia while on their way to Australia. Imagine travelling...
An international media report has alleged that the hospital is involved in a “cash-for-kidney racket”, with poor people from Myanmar...
“The growth will be driven by a confluence of factors. While large capital expenditure (capex) in the infrastructure and corporate...
The company has acquired Bikaner-Neemrana Transmission Project to boost renewable energy evacuation in India, a company statement said. Tata Power...
Goa is one of the most famous tourism destination in India. New guidelines are expected to lead to faster closure...
An undated photo of a signage at Singapore state investor Temasek Holdings’ headquarters in the Southeast Asian city-state. Key Points...
The Supreme Court on Tuesday asked whether the odd-even scheme in Delhi has ever worked in curbing pollution. Delhi environment...